Sunday, August 12, 2012

Eating the Sun

Another successful weekend watching the house and garden.  A few of the days were just so hot, it seemed like the plants were just sucking up all the water.  Tonight for dinner, we had burritos.  I went out to the garden to shut off the waters, and got some romaine lettuce for dinner.  As I was walking back, I just thought about what I was really holding in my hand?  This green, crisp, thing...that I just cut from the ground.  Where did it come from?  Where does all our food come from?  In a way, what we all are eating is energy from the sun.  But we can't consume it that way, so we let plants do that work for us.  It's amazing to me.  What would we do without plants?  And all these plants start from a tiny, little seed.  And they don't take much from the Earth either.  Think about plants a bunch of seeds in your garden, and feed them with water, and good soil.  In time, they will produce a bounty of delicious food for us to eat.  Think about one seed...while one seed translates into one carrot; one tomato seed turns into a plant that offers much more than one.  

Plants are beautiful, and I try not to take them for granted, because, well we''re connected to them; we need them.  Here are some pictures of what amazing plants are blooming right now...

It's beautiful how most things start green....and here it's finally getting its red color.

Yum :)

I think this world is amazing.  I'm happy not fully understanding, or not knowing why things are the way they are, but I am definitely in love with it all.  How do you look at our world and what all it offers, and what we turn it into, and not be amazing and in love?  I'm head over heels for it all.

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