Sunday, July 8, 2012

Beginning of July

So my laptop won't connect to the internet, so unfortunately no pictures today, but I'll add them soon.  The past week has been their family reunion, so it's been a bit crazy here.  People slowly began arriving 2 thursdays ago and the last two just left.  It was an adventure everyday with lots of fun, drinks, and events - the creek, fireworks, ATV rides, and more....all of this left the garden a litttle bit unattended.  And with all the rain, the weeds were slowly creeping up.  One day when most of the crew was gone for something, Sara and I went out there to get some work done.  I spent about 2 hours weeding one field...phew.  It was all done though so that's good.  Friday, we did some more work because it just needs to be taken care of now. More weeding was done.  Much more needs to be done, but that waits till tomorrow.

Today, we all went to Diamond Lake to fish trout.  Exciting!...but I didn't catch a fish.  It was real slow and we only caught 2, and kept 1.  I got lots of sun though...even a bit too much on some parts of me, but it was a very relaxing day.  I needed the rest on my foot.  I was running for 4 days in a row and Friday I ran even though my foot somewhat hurt.  It might have been a bad idea because all day yesterday it hurt.  I tried to rest and stay off of it, and so today was great for that as well.  Hopefully it continues to get better because I would like to get back to walking normally, and running.  Might have to suck it up and order a new pair of running shoes too :/  I think Soco was definitely right about that ha.

Anyway, we stopped at Becky's Cafe (we did after Crater Lake too) and it was yummy once again.  I got a veggie burger topped with sauted onions and mushrooms. I still have half left :)  Afterwards, I had to get ice cream.  Sara said it was really good, and it was such a perfect day for it, anddd we were previously talking about it.  She said to get the baby, so I got the "1 scoop" and it was not the baby unfortunately.  It was a waffle cone with 3 scoops.  Hmm..don't know how that worked out but I had to finish it!  It was coffee with almonds and fudge.

I really met some great people this past week, and enjoyed a lot of time with them.  At the same time, it will be nice to get back to a bit quieter time, with more time in the garden.  I have actually missed working out there.  The bugs have also taken over :(  I don't know if it's because of the warmer winter or what, but they are seem to be a bigger problem for Sara than last year.  Hopefully we'll get things under control this week and see plants flourishing without them soon!  The tomatoes are outgrowing their posts and some still need them.  This week has a lot of things for the list...

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