Saturday, June 2, 2012

Beginning of a new adventure

It's the second day of my farming internship and it's been amazing.  I got into Portland a few days ago and got to explore the city.  Then I took a 7 hour bus drive down to Medford, and then I had another hour drive to Trail.  It was a long day for sure, but it was welcomed by lovely people and a beautiful home, and area (the area here is breathtaking and I can't believe I get to wake up to it everyday for a while).
**pictures to come when I upload them

Yesterday, I got a tour of the garden and then we had a Chili Verde for dinner, with a salad that was fresh lettuce, asparagus, and snap peas.  I told Sara I loved cooking and she let me organize the salad.  The chili had pork in it, and for those of you who know me, this was a bit of a situation.  I have not eaten meat in a year, and while I am not against it, I didn't realize how hard it would be do it again, even under terms that I agreed on.  Sara was telling me that it is from a local farmer and ethically raised.  I told people that if I would ever eat meat again, I would talk to the farmer and see how the animals were raised and fed.  So, while I told Sara I was a vegetarian on the ride home, I felt rude not trying it.  I knew that I should trust her, but it was a lot bigger challenge than I thought...I had one very small bite.  It was all I could muster, hah.  I am trying elk tonight.  Her son hunted it in the wild, so I feel very comfortable trying it, although small portions since my body isn't used to it.

Okay, enough about my meat problems.  Today, I woke up and got to have my usual breakfast!  New peanut butter but soo yummy!  Also, homemade jam, which was delicious.  Then the other wwoofer, Steve and his daughter Autumn took a drive to the top (or close to) the ridge.  We saw a cougar, bull snake, and learned a lot of cool nature things.  We took home a plant that when mixed with water is like soap.  It was a relaxing day so far, since Sara and her husband went to a party, and it's the weekend.  Tomorrow we'll do some things around the farm.  Monday should be a more intensive farming day.  Hopefully I'll have pictures up soon.

Love from your new farmer,

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