Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Oh, the places I have been...

Hey guys!  It's been a bit, so I thought I'd show you a bunch of photos of the places I got to go in the past week or so.  Many drives up the mountain to cool views, morel hunting (on accident and purpose), family coming, and relaxing.  It's been real chill here so far and I love it.  Most days consist of getting up around 7, having a relaxed breakfast till 8-8:30 and then starting the day.  At the garden, we open up the greenhouses and do whatever the day asks of us - watering, weeding, planting, harvesting.  Or because of the reunion, painting chairs bright yellow!  Angela and Michael (the other wwoofers) left a few days ago, so it's just Sara, Sherman and I...very quiet and relaxing.  I'm getting a lot of reading down, and have been helping out with the cooking.  Made focaccia bread for the first time yesterday..Only had to rise for 4 hours total!  

Also, you might want to try this at home!  Katie, the wwoofer that was here when I arrived made yogurt cheese and it was soo good!  It's like cream cheese, but better.  You take the yogurt you have, we did a mix of plain and vanilla, and then the second time with a bit of greek yogurt too, and put it in a dish towel in a bowl.  Then rubber band the towel closed, and hang it over the bowl.  The bowl will catch the water that drains off of it and what's left is the cheese!  It hangs for 12 hours, so great to do overnight and have on toast/bagel for breakfast with some jam (my favorite).  It's super easy..give it a try!

Anyway, I'm overwhelmed with happiness, can't believe being this happy was possible, but this is just what I needed.  I really recommend following your heart and intuition and following the path you want to.  It's been amazing and breathtaking for my life.  I am so much more connected to this Earth and it's made me realize much...
Enjoy the photos!
Lookout from one of our drives up the mountain

Eating some yummy carrots out of the garden

The Rogue River from the creek...this is right before our hike up the moutain

Wild squash or cucumber

First high point on the hike up the mountain

Top of the mountain!  If you can see the little red spot, that's the house.

I made it!

Snake skinnn

First time shooting a .22 pistol...pretttyy cool; little intense

Meadow on another drive...

Sara and I with this gorgeous view behind us.

All the morels we found...on accident when we were returning from our mountain drive

Crater Lake...apparently can look a lot bluer when the sun shines on it

The Rogue River yet again, this time at a different spot where we stopped to do a 5 mile hike.  beautiful

I made it to the Gorge and got to sit on this little rock that jutted out a bit, while Angela and Michael went to walk/see a bit further.

Guess what river this is?!  ha, our rafting trip where Sherman "accidentally" ;) got me wet at most rapids.  Good thing the water was so cold!  But it was a lot of fun, and we got to have a nice lunch on the river.

This is the creek on part of their property.  We came down here to let Caleb play and cleaned up a bit for the reunion.

Steve took me on the 4-wheeler to this amazing view.  Its about 20 minute hike from their house.  He said it was a nice uphill run...a new goal of mine: run the entire hill without walking by the end of the summer!

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